Hello again! It has been a long break, but even that has come to an end. This is actually the second week of school, but we only start blogging in the second week. Today in class used some index cards to write down vocabulary words so we can learn, reference, and study them in the future. After this we talked about this lab we started last week and will finish this week: the cookie lab.
In the cookie lab we made cookie dough and altered one ingredient. Our group was supposed to be the control group, but we accidentally added one extra egg. One of my group members then took the cookies home and baked them. Today we saw everyone's cookies, and some of them don't look appetizing, but some of them look amazing. We were devastated when the class was over, so that we couldn't eat the cookies.
Tuesday or August 25, 2015 C.E.:
We started out the day by filling some index cards with information on the words Accuracy and Precision.
Accuracy is how close your results you are to the actual value, and precision is how close your results are to each other. Then we did the experiment part of the cookie project. We tasted all of the cookies, of which only 1 tasted good, which was the x2 eggs cookie. We had to list their taste, color, and texture. We then weighed them and measured their volume, to calculate their density. This was a really fun lab... if only the cookies tasted better!
Wednesday or August 26, 2015 C.E.:
We handed in our cookie labs at the beginning of class so we start a new lab. This lab is an Oreo lab! No kidding. Another cookie related lab. In this lab we need to see if the double stuf Oreo really has double the stuff than traditional Oreos. We weighed the Oreos with all the different combinations. They include wafer, whole cookie, cookie with paper under it, filling, and single wafer. We found out that a double stuf cookie actually does contains double the filling that a original one has. However the wafer part is also larger, so the ratio between the filling and the wafer is not 1 : X and 1 : 2X, but it might be 1 : X and 1.2 : 2X. So in conclusion, the double stuf cookie seems to just be an oversized cookie with slightly more filling per amount of wafer.
Thursday or August 27, 2015 C.E.:
Today we continued our Oreo lab, and we started to graph them. Our teacher Mrs. Giacomelli, made a rather large table of almost all of the weights we measured yesterday, the weights of the other groups, and the class averages. We then graphed the regular cookie filling weight from our group and the class, and then the double stuf cookie filling weight of our group and our class.
Friday or August 28, 2015 C.E.:
Today we had our test. It was the test on Scientific method. It contained a bit of essential science vocabulary, a couple of lab safety questions, and obviously a multitude of scientific method questions. Right before taking the test, I was rather scared, but when I took the actual test, I found out that it was much easier than the study guide and textbook. Now I am confident that I have done well on it. After this, we finished our the graphs of our cookie lab, but I am not yet finished with the entire lab.
Summary: This week was a great week. We reviewed what we forgot, and are ready to learn in our new science course. I still need to work on efficiency, and focus while working.