Today we started out the week with a new unit. We started Unit 2 and did Section 1. In it we talked about gravity and the equation for weight. This is Weight = mass x acceleration of gravity (W=mg). We also learned what a projectile is and what they do. We then did a unique experiment about center of gravity. We experimented to find out how much water we needed to balance a soda can on its side. We found out that you need at least 38 milligrams, but you can use more than 150 milligrams of water. The soda can could balance on its side because we changed it's center of gravity so it could do this.

Tuesday or February 17, 2015 A.D.:
Today we started the lab we have all been waiting for!!! We started the catapult lab. We were sorted into groups and I was sorted with Varun and Maisie. Varun had a plan to begin with, which was essentially a compressed spring that when released would shoot out a projectile. We had to bring in an item each so we could start to build. I am responsible for taking the pvc pipe for the spring to reside in. I am also responsible for taking the cardboard to build the platform that ideally, will point the spring out at a 45 degree angle.
Wednesday or February 18, 2015 A.D.:
Today we started on our catapult. We were constantly trying to get our spring's ramp to have a 45 degree angle which was really hard. Varun brought in the spring which was very strong and big. He demonstrated how the spring would work in which he took a tube, pushed the spring inside and held it in place with a screwdriver. We tested our catapult and it went really far. We are very hopeful and optimistic for the competition next week. Next week we are going to try and aim our projectiles into a bowl and as far as we can.We think we could easily get it very far, although we will have to work on accuracy.
Thursday or February 19, 2015 A.D.:
Today was the first day of intense testing.and in the second test our spring got lost in a tree.We didn't know until Varun saw it and we had to get Mrs. Giacomelli to get it down. She got it down and we started to reassemble for test 3 when a vital cap was gone. We searched for many minutes in the freezing cold when finally we found the cap at the end of the period. The other designs look way cooler than ours because we weighed down our design with bricks which makes it look very weird. We are still optimistic about winning this.
Friday or February 20, 2015 A.D.:
Today we made further improvements while our catapult's performance has gone down. In the meantime other catapults have become better and bigger. Our angle is too shallow at about 30 degrees and our projectiles are getting as far as when you flick them with spoon. We are extremely pessemistic and have little hope of winning anything not even the "how far can you get it" competition.
Summary: Today was a week where I had to go above and beyond with creativity to build our catapult. It is also a good week to learn and to improve. I think I should improve on working more efficiently on homework.
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