Today we finished collecting data for our mechanical energy lab. We dropped the rest of the items and we measured their times. We also started a new section being Unit 3 Section 3 and we cleared out our binders of paper of previous units. We talked about conservation of momentum. Momentum is the amount umph (inertia) an object in change (dynamic) has. The direction of momentum is always the same as the direction of the vector of the velocity. Momentum is calculated by multiplying the kg of the object by its velocity in m/s.
Tuesday or March 24, 2015 A.D.:
We started the lab we have all been waiting for... We started the Egg Drop Lab. In this lab the goal is to create a protective shell of less than 8x8x8 inches to keep an egg from breaking after being dropped from various heights. We devised a plan today and everyone is very excited. My group consists of Ben T, John Stewart, and Andrei. We think that we will use helium and foam to make the impact shock the least. We will put foam on the outside of the box and put the balloon and the egg inside.
Wednesday or March 25, 2015 A.D.:
Today I had no science class because I was at the National History Day competition.
Thursday or March 26, 2015 A.D.:
We thought about our helium design and we figured that the egg would be too heavy for an 8 by 8 by 8 inch balloon so we made a new design. In this design we plan to take a 7 by 7 by 7 box and put in several foam slabs. The foam should fit snugly and we will put the egg in the middle of all the foam in a little container so it is not squished by the foam. Today we cut 1/2 of the foam that will go into the box. I cannot wait until it is done. We will put the egg in an big Easter egg and line the inside with foam. This will give it more protection.
Friday or March 27, 2015 A.D.:
Today we put in the last slabs in place and inserted the egg for testing on Monday. We closed the box with zip ties and put some foam on the outside to increase air resistance and give it more protection.We are going to drop the device at 1 meter height first so we will not start very high yet. We are hoping to throw the devices from a helicopter, but we do not yet have government permission.
Summary: This week was a very productive hands-on week. We had to use our imagination to create a box to keep our egg alive. I still need to work on efficiently and focusing on the goal.
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