Last week we dug up soil from our yards. We then put it in a bag and brought it to class. Today we started a soil profiling lab. We need to examine our soil and its properties. Today we did the soil observation visually. We looked at it with a hand magnifier and a weak microscope. The microscope was really cool. Even though it wasn't that strong, I was able to see so much more than I could before. I saw little rock fragments and sand bits. I was amazed. Tomorrow we will continue on this lab.

Tuesday or February 2, 2016 C.E.:
Today we continued the cool lab in science class. I started out the class with a test of my soil for texture. I had to make a soil worm by rolling it into a ribbon. If I was unable to do so, my soil was predominantly sand. Silt is seen with a short ribbon and clay with a long one. My soil had silt. Then I found the amount of free carbonates in the soil by dumping vinegar on it. This was really easy because nothing happened. This means I have zero. At the end of class I started a long experiment. I put soil and water in a graduated cylinder and shook it up. Tomorrow when the soil settles, I will see how the layers settle.
Wednesday or February 3, 2016 C.E.:
Surprisingly, my soil has the majority of sand in it. It was really hard to see the layers in my soil because everything is extremely dark. After a lot of observation, I finally came up what it was 56% sand, 19% silt, and 25% clay. After, I had to check the phosphorus content of the soil. It seems my soil is depleted of phosphorus. We also did a little review for the test tomorrow. It talk about weathering, erosion, and deposition, or the things on the quiz. It will also talk about new things such as soil horizons, soil types, and soil formation. I think the test will be easier than the quiz because many of the questions on the test will probably also be from the quiz. I am hoping for an A+ which would be awesome.
Thursday or February 4, 2016 C.E.:
Today we took the big test. It had questions about the rate of weathering and what affects it. There were questions about the interaction of different soil horizons and their names. We also had to explain how soil is formed and in which condition it forms the fastest. I definitely think I will do good on this one. It had so many questions that were on the quiz that I doubt I will get anything lower than a high A. One reason why I am so confident is because of my studying. I studied my vocabulary and soil layers which really paid off.
Friday or February 5, 2016 C.E.:
I got a 98% on my test!!! I am thrilled. I got one multiple choice question wrong about the biosphere. I defined the biosphere wrong, but that is ok. We reviewed the quiz quickly and it seems other people around me did well too. After this we worked a little on our Seeds to Shoreline project. We didn't have much to work on since we didn't have any seeds germinate. This means we have officially the least germinated seeds. We have three. Another group had over twenty. :( The rest of class we just took it easy and learned a little bit about the ocean to prepare for our new unit on Monday.
Summary: This week was a good week. I did better on my assessments than last week and I finished my blog faster. I can still work on efficiency and speed in other areas though.
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