Monday or February 29, 2016 C.E.:
Today we researched extensively for our project during class. We will try to use fifteen to twenty sources. For each sources we will paste in important paragraphs and take notes. Once we have done enough research, we will analyze what we have accumulated. We will then write a research paper. After writing the paper we will create a PowerPoint to suggest ways to improve the situation. I have already started research on the Nitrogen and Phosphorus factors that cause Eutrophication and the harmful effects of Cyanobacteria. This project is really exciting and it is really fun to find and read interesting articles.
Tuesday or March 1, 2016 C.E.:
Today Andrei and I continued doing research at an even faster rate. We have already found many sources and have two whole pages of useful material. While Andrei researches the Biology aspects of the project, I research the Chemistry aspects. We both do what we are best at. One example, is that Andrei is researching the types of Cyanobacteria and their anatomy and I am researching the conditions they flourish in and their environmental impact. The project is going along well. We are also collecting pictures and figures to include in our presentation or paper.

Wednesday or March 2, 2016 C.E.:
We declared today the last day of research for our project. We might still do a little research here and there, but we have already accumulated 5 pages of really good stuff. The only problem with our research is that my friend, Andrei researches too broadly. When you are making a paper, you should research broadly at first and start to narrow down your topic. While Andrei is hardworking and smart, he keeps branching out farther as the project progresses. He doesn't seem to like to not include information he reads. He keeps writing all these paragraphs about Cyanobacteria that don't have anything to do with Eutrophication and CyanoHABs. I guess I shouldn't complain because it can be easily corrected, but it is still funny how he works very different from me. Now we are both quite knowledgeable about the subject and ready to write the paper.
Thursday or March 3, 2016 C.E.:
Sadly we were not able to work on the research project today. We have to review for the quiz tomorrow. We had a also had a substitute, Mrs. Trainor. We talked about ocean currents and plankton. We also reviewed dissolved gases and Thermohaline Circulation. We also discussed the Coriolis effect and the global conveyor belt. I think we covered the material well and the quiz shouldn't be hard at all.
Friday or March 4, 2016 C.E.:
Today we took the Unit 7 Section 1 quiz on the Hydrosphere. The quiz isn't too many points which makes sense because it is rather easy. I think I will do good. The only problem is that I kept day dreaming while doing the assessment. I hope I didn't make any stupid mistakes because of this.
Summary: This week was productive. The project is going along well and the paper is about a third way done. I need to get some more sleep in order to stop day dreaming during class. I will start to achieve this by doing my blog faster. I need to write my blog every day to make it as fast as possible.
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