This week started out with a really fun game. We divided into two teams. We then drew targets of all sizes on the White Board. The bigger targets had smaller numbers than the small ones. Our teacher Mrs. Giacomelli then asked us multiple questions each and if we got them right, we would use her Nerf Gun to shoot at the targets. The number on the target determined the score won by your team. Although we lost, it was still quite fun. We kept missing problems related with sea-floor spreading, so I will have to study that for tomorrow's quiz.
Tuesday or November 3, 2015 C.E.:
Today we took our Unit 4 quiz. It covered divergent and convergent plate boundaries, and what they do. It also covered plate tectonics, and their driving forces. These driving forces include slab pull and ridge push. We were also quizzed about mid-ocean ridges and subduction zones. I think I will do excellent on this quiz both because I studied and multiple questions were on previous tests. I have also already mastered the vocabulary which will be a huge help for the outcome of this quiz.
Wednesday or November 4, 2015 C.E.:
I am really excited! We got back our quizzes and reviewed them today, and I got a 100%! This is really good for my currently horrendous Science Grade. After reviewing our quiz we did some post-quiz vocabulary. I did six vocabulary cards of eight. We will be learning a bit about Earthquakes in the next couple sections. I also learned more about transform boundaries (tectonic boundaries where tectonic plates move along eachother) and measurements for Earthquakes.
Thursday or November 5, 2015 C.E.:
Today we had a really fun lab. It was a tectonic plate boundaries lab. We created the asthenosphere with frosting which we put on a piece of wax paper. The oceanic crust was made up of fruit rollup pieces. The continental crust is made up of graham crackers. We then simulated them crashing into each other and documented what happened. We drew cross-section diagrams of the plates crashing into eachother. It was cool how it all fit in with what we have learned. At the end, some of us ate the results. It was really fun.
Friday or November 6, 2015 C.E.:
Today we did our reflection questions for the tectonic plate boundaries lab.We wrote about the geologic features associated with each type of boundary. We then did a little bit of notes on rift valleys and ocean trenches. We discussed volcanic archs. After this we talked about how plate tectonics have influenced the world. They have influenced the climate, weather, and biodiversity. It was really interesting.
Summary: This week was a fun week. The lab was really funny, yet really interesting. We had a good time. I need to remember to do my blog the day of every time to make sure it is of better quality.
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