Today we finished our Plate Tectonics. We did three stations. One was about the origin of the theory of plate tectonics. A German scientist by the name of Alfred Wegener developed it through out early 20th century. He observed the similarities in the mountain ranges the Scotland Highlands and the Appalachian. He also noticed similar composition of rocks on both sides of the Atlantic as well as the fossils inside them. I really liked these stations and I learned a lot. I liked learning a bit about the origin of the theory instead of just hearing about what it means all the time.
Tuesday or October 27, 2015 C.E.:
Today we took notes on Unit 4 Section 3. It talks about the reasons Tectonic Plates move. We learned how Sea-floor spreading happens in oceans when magma rushes out a mid-ocean ridges. This forms new oceanic lithosphere. It also causes two processes that make continents move. They are ridge-push and slab pull. Ridge-push happens when magma slides down from a mid-ocean ridge. Slab-pull happens when oceanic lithosphere sinks in subduction zones. We also started a new activity about the proof behind Pangaea. We cut out the different continents and looked at the similar land forms they share to assemble the supercontinent.
Wednesday or October 28, 2015 C.E.:
Today we finished assembling Pangaea. It was cool how everything fit perfectly. We created it based on Glacial scratches, rock types, mountain ranges, and fossils. Our teacher also created a fun Tectonic Plates demonstration. She put a big bowl of milk on a hot plate and sprinkled Hot Chocolate powder on the milk. As the milk heated, cracks formed. We then watched the tectonic plates. We also finished assembling our paper Pangaea. It was cool how they all fit together.
Thursday or October 29, 2015 C.E.:
Today we finished the Pangaea reflection questions. We talked about all the different evidence that supports the existence of Pangaea. We also talked about the evidence behind Continental Drift.We talked about how we use GPS to track the movement of the continents. It was very interesting.
Summary: This week was very interesting. We learned about tectonic plates and other fun stuff. I still need to remember to do my blog right after class.
talked about evidence and cause behind continental drift
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